FMUSER Trasmettitur tat-TV Diġitali 100W FU518D-100W b'Disinn ta' Rack Kompatt għall-Istazzjon tax-Xandir tat-TV


  • Prezz (USD): 7500
  • Qty (PCS): 1
  • Tbaħħir (USD): 650
  • Total (USD): 8150
  • Metodu tat-Tbaħħir: DHL, FedEx, UPS, EMS, Bil-Baħar, Bl-Ajru
  • Ħlas: TT (Trasferiment Bankarju), Western Union, Paypal, Payoneer

dwar FU-518D 100w TV transmitter


FU518D-100W DVB-T/ATSC/ISDB-T 100Watt transmitter is a digital TV territorial broadcast DVB-T/ATSC/ISDB-T transmitter for professional TV Station, with high-quality VHF/UHF and professional and intelligent design as well as high reliability with amazing price. Power tuning from 100W/200W/300W/500W.

FU518D 100W Compact TV Transmitter for TV transmission 700px.jpg

Features of FU-518D 100w TV transmitter


  • All solid-state digital TV transmitters, bandwidth 6-8 MHz.
  • Pre distortion correction, automatic switching of double actuators.
  • High linearity LDMOS power amplifier, high gain power amplifier module, parallel switching power supply, high efficiency.
  • Telemetry and remote control are based on web interface and software.
  • Good man-machine interface, automatic one-key switch.
  • Multiple protections (over voltage, over current, overheating, high standing wave ratio...) High reliability, 24-hour continuous operation.


Best 100W TV Transmitter Manufacturer


FMUSER is a famous supplier of complete TV station equipment and TV turnkey solutions, we have our own TV transmitter factories to provide the best quality of our TV transmission equipment.




With over ten years of manufacturing experience in TV station equipment, FMUSER is now able to supply high-power VHF TV transmitters, UHF TV transmitters, and TV broadcast antenna systems, good price, and high quality!


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Staqsi għal Kwotazzjoni

Termini Specs
Frekwenza ta 'Ħidma VHF / UHF
Wisa 'tal-band 8MHz
Qawwa 100W
Impedenza Output 50Ω
Interface Output L27
Allowed operation -20dB
Power input level 0dBm
Amplifier input impedance 50Ω
Amplifier input interface L16
Useless transmission ≤-60dB
Band fluctuations ± 0.5dB
Band shoulder aħjar minn 36dB
MER aħjar minn 30dB
daqs 390mm × 570mm × 820mm
piż 45KG





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